Friday 4 May 2012

 When Major Mitchell travelled through the Maranoa district, he had with him an Aboriginal from the Molong area, known as Yuranigh.
Yuranigh's role was as a guide, within the area he was familiar with, and as an adviser when the expedition reached more remote areas.
Of Yuranigh, Mitchell wrote:- "He has been my guide, companion, counsellor and friend on the most eventful occasions during this journey of discovery.  His intelligence and judgement rendered him so necessary to me that he was ever at my elbow on foot or on horseback.
Confidence in him was never misplaced.  He knew well the character of all the white men of the party.  Nothing escaped his penetrating eye and quick ear."

Yuranigh returned to Sydney with Mitchell at the conclusion of the expedition, and eventually returned to his tribal area at Boree.Yuranigh died there in April of 1850.  Mitchell arranged for a headstone to be erected over Yuranigh's grave, wherein Yuranigh had been buried according the customs of his Wiradjuri tribe.  The tribe had carved several living trees around the grave, some of which have survived

The above marble headstone replaced the original sandstone one, which became  damaged by erosion, and which remains at the base of the replacement.  The best surviving example of the carved trees was covered by a shelter after it died.   The remaining carved trees around the grave have gradually had their markings covered by the growing bark.


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